Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

From Wounded Child to Magical Creator Part 2



The response from last weeks show has been huge. The vulnerability and the willingness of our audience to go beyond their stories of pain and open into new possibilities has been humbling. We hear you want more and we do too! We are excited to announce that this will be part 2 of a 3 part series. We hide our potency underneath our wounds as a protection against our greatness. It takes a great deal of courage to face a wound and say “ I SEE YOU GREATNESS” What greatness have you been hiding underneath the wounds you won’t look under? How about playing with Megan and Suzanne and Dr. Lisa in Utah, in November?  Play with the possibilities of  Creating Business Beyond Abuse and spend 2 days getting to Embrace Your ROAR and treat your body to  three days of Heaven with an Access Consciousness Three Day Body Class  ~ how does it get Even Awesomer?! Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after t