Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

From Wounded Child to Magical Creator – Part 3



The last two weeks we’ve been exploring how to look at the wounds of your life and see them as a place of potential strength and greatness. This week we’re going further and discovering how to claim the creative magic you BE. Most people don’t identify at all with being creative OR magical. And yet, that’s what awaits us all on the other side of woundedness. The truth is, the real task of healing is not clearing the woundedness, it’s actually acknowledging and fully expressing the creative magical being we all are. AND - Are you ready to live a Radically Orgasmically Alive Reality BEYOND what you’ve ever imagined possible? How about playing with Megan and Suzanne and Dr. Lisa in Utah, in November?  Play with the possibilities of  Creating Business Beyond Abuse and spend 2 days getting to Embrace Your ROAR and treat your body to  three days of Heaven with an Access Consciousness Three Day Body Class  ~ how does it get Even Awesomer?! Join us for the completion of this magical series!