Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

Your Creation Tool Kit 101 ~ Megan & Suzanne



Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Do you ever go to create something; a workshop, an art or craft, an online tele-call, perhaps a short story…and you get stuck in the process? Either overwhelmed at the front end, or second guessing yourself and your idea midway through or judging yourself on the back end because it didn’t live up to the expectations you didn’t even know you had? If this feels all too familiar, please drop in for this free resource; a series of radio shows on one of our favorite topics; creation. In this episode, we will start by exploring the incubation and conception stage, what often goes array and give you awesome tools to navigate the fledgling energies that arise so that you can finally launch that idea into the world. Come play in this dynamic energy of creation with us this Wednesday at 10am MST Launch: From Passion to Profit Quantum Jump Your Set Points   Special Offer:  POINT to