

Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show What idea would you like to bring into the world? Last week we launched our creation series with talk and tools about the conception phase of creation. We’re excited to continue the series this week with the often-overlooked phase of gestation. When we conceive of bringing something new into the world we often get so excited to make it happen that we don’t allow the idea to grow and develop fully. Just as the gestation of a baby in the womb is ever so crucial to the health and wellbeing of the baby, so it is with your creations. Join us to add more tools to your creation toolkit. We can’t wait to “nest” with you! See you at the usual time and place Wednesday at 10amMST! Launch From Passion to Profit ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love