Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

Magic with Money: Untangling the Lies ~ Cory Michelle & Katherine McIntosh



Have you always desired to have Magic with Money but instead chose the lies with money?  What if you already ARE Magic with Money?  Would you be willing to untangle all the lies of this reality around money and really step into the Magic you be with Money? Join Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, as she interviews these two potent women who embody Magic with Money in all their creations.  Cory Michelle and Katherine McIntosh will be bringing their magic with them just for us!  How did we get so lucky? Cory Michelle has an elegance with energy and space, her intuitive sense dives into the depth of an issue to unlock it in seemingly non related places that result in total life change. She is playful, fun and of course juicy, breaks the rules of your traditional business coach and helps you achieve the life you came to live, juice and all. Some say it¹s her magic but really, Cory Michelle¹s potency ignites your own magic in business, leadership, money and relationship quickly. She is a facilitator with th