Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

Astrology, Numerology & MY choices! Guest Tania Gabrielle



Astrology and Numerology can be amazing contributions to your creations.  Do you ever make them the answers and neglect your choices in use of them?  Would you like to speak directly with Tania Gabrielle, Wealth Astro-Numerologist, give you a live online ready?  Tania is amazing with her capacities and will be sharing with those who call in and ask! Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World. As a Wealth Astro-Numerologist, spiritual teacher, personal oracle to her clients, author and classical composer, Tania uses the frequencies in letters, numbers and sound to inspire others to a life of ecstasy, supreme fulfillment and joy. She has coached thousands of clients and entrepreneurs worldwide, helping them to design fulfilling and abundant lives by unlocking their spiritual birth code, name and current cycles. To her VIP Clients, Tania is a personal oracle, precise Astro-Numerology Strategist and hands-on Business Mentor. Her insights