Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

Bored? Ready to Leave? Choice! ~ Guest Helen Geary



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Bored? Ready to Leave? Choice! Have you been in this space of feeling bored, restless, frustrated?  Is it leading to the space of feeling like you are ready to leave?  Leave this's too damn boring anyway!  Do you know something else is possible? Join Christine McIver and her Guest Helen Geary, Access Consciousness Creator of Magnitude for a dynamic conversation of where they know many of are, where they both have been, and where we can choose to be, if we wish. Helen Geary is a Creator of Magnitude.  She has been creating magic from an early age and managed to navigate her way to adulthood with aplomb.  Helen has held a number of Healthcare positions over the past 25 years; as a District Nurse; caring for a range of adults in their own homes and community settings in the UK and Ireland. She was also the Health Promotion Co-ordinator for the Sexual Health Centre for 5 years, in Ireland. These roles have been lovingly delivered with a range of Holisti