Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

How To Get Out of the FUNK ~ Co-Host Rhonda Burns



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show How do I get out of the funk?  This energy of funk is intense and I can't see my way out.  Not this again!  Why does this keep happening to me?  Do those sound familiar to you?  Have you or are you experiencing any degree of funk in your life, in your business, in your relationships, in your prosperity, in your body?  Tonight Christine McIver & her guest co-host Rhonda Burns will bring you a big punch of what is possibly going on for you.  They will also bring multiple tools of how to change any and all of it.  Get ready for a joyful, playful, vulnerable, dynamic conversation that is sure to stir up funk and let it go! Rhonda Burns has been an experiential learner and an insatiably curious “wonderer” her entire life. Seeking understanding, universal truth, fundamental wisdom and ultimately, the pleasure in everything, she knows first-hand the ways we lie to ourselves and buy beliefs that keep us from rendezvousing with the exquisite magic and miracle we each i