Small Beans

312. Rough Stuff: Teresa Lee’s Teenage Crush Game



“The more I try, the harder it seems / But you’ve turned around, blocked me out, / deliberately trying to bloody my back / Falsely sweet words, masking your soul, / I’m trying to get past this. / Plastering on a fake plastic smile when all I want is to break down and cry.” - Teresa Lee, teenage poet. Bridgett and Sarah stare unblinkingly into the void of teenage crush strategies, angelfire webpages, Sadie Hawkins dances, and Teresa is our guide. And frankly, the poem is off the chain. Like real, angsty, good stuff. So, listen in, you weirdos. Also, Teresa may or may not have a ghost. Features: Teresa Lee: Rough Stuff: Email us your horrible tales: Support Small Beans and access Additional Content: