Ios Dev Discussions - Sean Allen

The First Month - Part 3 - SF Startups & Mentorship



Back in January of 2019 I put out a video (link below) asking people who had never had an iOS Developer job to apply for a new position at the startup I'm work at, Aluna. When I started my career someone took a chance on me when I wasn't quite ready, and it launched my career. I wanted to do the same for someone else.  That someone is Chris and we sit down and recap his third week on the job as a Jr. iOS Developer. We talk about his impressions of startup life in San Francisco, what he worked on this week, as well as some thoughts on how having mentorship has drastically increased his skills in just a few short weeks. The First Month - Part 1 - Video: Chris's Twitter: Link to my book - How I Became an iOS Developer:  Books, hoodies and goodies: If you're enjoying this podcast, I have another one called Swift Over Coffee w/ Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift: https