Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

Activating your magical capacities ~ Guest Glenyce Hughes



Have you always known magic was possible? Would you like to be as magical as you have always known is possible? Listen in as we play, and discuss stories, tools and processes to invite you to be the magic you truly be. Glenyce Hughes is an Inspirational Author, Speaker, Radio Host and Facilitator of Infinite Possibilities. She travels the world empowering people to live their phenomenal life as she guides them to tap into their true potency, potential and all the amazing infinite possibilities. A true luminary, sheʼs inspired thousands around the world through her radio shows, writing, classes, tele- calls, groups, and individual sessions. To find out when Glenyce will be in your area go to – Be sure to check out her weekly radio show, Living in the Magic of Possibilities – http:// living-in-the-magic-of-possibilities