

Ever noticed that when you feel spacey people have a tendency to tell you that you’re wrong? And how often do people tell you “you’re not grounded enough” if you’re feeling spacey? How dense and solid have you decided you need to make yourself in order to be “grounded”? What if you can be grounded and be spacey simultaneously? Indeed, what does grounded even mean for you? What grounded can just mean “being present”? Whether you’re grounded or not, can you change more in your life when you’re feeling dense or when you’re feeling spacey? What if space is the place where the real magic takes place? How spacey are you willing to be without getting caught up in other people’s definitions about what that means? Wanna get spacey and play with possibilities with Alun and Laura in the Playground of Possibilities as they explore this topic on Monday 2nd February, 3pm UK, 10am Eastern, 7am Pacific. And if you would like to join us live in the chatroom that would totally brilliant too!