Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

Are you embodying your knowing? Guest Juna Guetter



How much do you know that you’ve never acknowledged? In this reality, you cannot know anything unless you learn it from someone or something else… but is that really true? How much of our knowing do we cut off just to fit in with the collective belief that you cannot know everything? And what about the knowing your body has? What if you know more than you’ve ever dared to allow yourself to acknowledge? What a gift it could be for you, your life, and the world if you could drop all your barriers, conclusions, and judgements that you’ve bought into and allow yourself to know everything that you know, with total ease? Join Alun and Tamara and their special guest Juna Guetter in the Playground Of Possibilities  where everything is play and anything is possible. Juna is a Mover and Connector of Possibilities. Inspiring individuals and groups for 25 years in the field of dance, conscious embodiment, and personal empowerment, she invites people into greater joy, ease and communion with their bodies and their lives.H