Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

Would You Like to Be Unf*uckwithable? ~ Tamara and Alun



Unf*uckwithable means to be at such peace with yourself that nothing anyone says or does bothers you.  You know the drama created by others around you is not relevant to you and what you’re creating.  You flow naturally with the energies of greater expansion rather than against them allowing everything to contribute to you with ease. Would you like to trust yourself that much?  Would you like to live with that much freedom to BE and choose?  What could YOUR adventure of living be if you knew with an absence of doubt that YOU are unfuckwithable? Join Alun and Tamara on the Playground of Possibilities Radio Show where anything is possible, and everything is play! Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: