Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

Are You Living in Self-Development Hell? ~ Tamara and Alun



So you’ve just finished a course or class, but now there seem to be even more that you feel you must attend? There’s always another step. Always another class.  Always something else that professes to take you to “the next level”.  And yet… somehow, no matter how many classes, courses, workshops, and training events you attend, you never seem to “get there”. You’re never quite good enough. Sound familiar? Is your life a self-development hell? What else is possible that you’ve never even considered? What if you stopped trying to fit in, and keep up with everyone else around you who you’ve decided is always one step ahead? Alun and Tamara invite you to join them as they romp around the Playground of Possibilities playing with the infinite possibilities of choosing what is light and fun for you, instead of trying to keep up with the Jones’s. The Playground Of Possibilities –  where everything is play and everything is possible. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: