She Rewilding

My soul led market research approach



Hey Gorgeous! There are so many strategies you can use to get information about what offer should I create how much should I price my program should I make an audio freebie or infographic and, truth be told, they all work, All business coaches have their own way of doing things and none of them are wrong, it's truly about what's right for you. For me, I love being able to create what feels good for me to create. Well, I'm human, I have and have had issues that I've hired coaches to help me through so why can't I be my own market research? Oh wait, I can be my own market research. I get to use the experiences I have on a day to day basis as my market research- coaching calls with clients podcasts I listen to my own coaches materials conversations with friends or biz peers You truly get to decide what feels good to you and then be consistent and persistent in accomplishing your goals. Darren Hardy says "Small, smart choices plus consistency plus time equals radical difference" You get to