She Rewilding

My soul led approach for creating ideal client avatars



Episode 3 I approach creating an ideal client avatar from a soul led perspective. It's all about what I am and am not available for vs, who they are, where they live, or what sun sign they are and it starts with getting clear on your dreams for your life which is just one of the soul aligned discovery practices we dive into when working together. If they don't fit into this list, then they quite simply aren't a good fit for me. Yes, it gets to be that simple. Here's the thing SUCCESS IS SOMETHING YOU ATTRACT BY THE PERSON YOU BECOME! I read this statement in book by Darren Hardy, but it's a quote by Jim Rohn (I think) and it struck me to my core. I have to become the person who has the soulmate clients first!! It's on ME first to become unavailable for clients who don't fit into who I'm becoming. It's hard to practice this, but know that the sooner you start, the easier it'll be. Hey! If you're ready to break out of second guessing, confusion and self doubt and effortlessly tap into your next level identity