Tomorrow With Joshua Topolsky

Episode 49: It Must Be Caity Weaver



This week Josh sits down with Paula Deen's best friend: GQ writer / editor Caity Weaver. She's met some of the biggest stars in the world — her most recent conquest is Justin Bieber – so why hasn't she ever seen the classic Hugh Grant film Notting Hill? Is she being paid off by Big Mozzarella? And just how high can you get off the fumes of a good scoop? The two get to the bottom of these pressing issues... just in time for Josh learn about all 100 versions The Real Housewives. This is one of the most unconventional and thrilling episodes of Tomorrow yet, and if you miss it you'll spend the rest of your life haunted by what might have been. Without any further ado: are you Justin? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit