Leading In Color With Sarah Morgan

Empowering Your People to the Polls (Leading In Color - Season 2, Episode 30)



The episode guest is Tamer Mokhtar.   In this episode, we discuss the following:  The most important thing for individuals to know about the upcoming election besides “vote”  What corporate leaders can do to combat voter suppression and disenfranchisement How & why risk is different for Black entrepreneurs Tamer is a Partner, Investing in US and the Founder, All Americans Vote Established in 2017, Investing in US (IIU) took on the task of establishing a data-informed hypothesis about how risk capital could offer the greatest leverage in the world of electoral politics. As a partner at IIU, Tamer and his team utilize a venture capital model in examining hundreds of organizations to determine which are mission-aligned and capable of bringing about scaled impact in the areas of technology integration into voter mobilization efforts, digital media/messaging, and turnout.  Concurrently, Tamer founded All Americans Vote (AAV), which focuses on non-partisan efforts to engage America’s electorate by elevating t