Soul Healing With Traci Trimble, Phd

4 Levels of Awareness ~ Traci Trimble, PhD



Soul Healing with Traci Trimble, PhD Radio Show The levels of awareness teach us how Spirit guides each of us. These levels of awareness include physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This weeks show is pre-recorded and Traci will walk you through how to "know" exactly which level of awareness that you are operating from in any given moment and what this awareness is trying to tell you. Bring a pen and some paper! ~ More About Soul Healing with Traci Trimble, PhD ~  Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? In energy medicine it is believed that depression, anxiety, acute stress and chronic pain are all effects of Soul and Ego in chaos. Did you know that such Spiritual disconnection leads to mental neurosis? This in turn creates emotional turmoil and that is what causes our physical discomfort and/or dysfunction. Imagine that there is truth in this! So again, we ask… Are you sick and tired of felling sick and tired? What if, through Self Awareness (without judgement), you were able to find an easy