

Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show What if growing up didn’t mean growing old? What if Peter Pan had something right? Have you always felt you shouldn’t have to sit still while kids played on the playgrounds? Why should you, the grown up, stop enjoying the pleasure of having a body simply because you are no longer 10 years old? So often people work jobs they don’t like, have kids when they’re not ready and get married just to fit into this reality’s version of adulthood. Since when did growing up mean giving in and not having fun? That, to us, is INSANITY! What if there are other choices? What if you didn’t have to give you up to grow up? What if you could retain your sense of possibility, your aliveness with your body, and do what worked for YOU in every moment, no matter how unusual it seemed? Join Faith Northam and Liddy Freeman as they target and destroy the insane points of view about adulthood that may be keeping you from feeling as alive and happy as you’d really like to be.