Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

186 Miri Eisen on Lebanon and its future



Hours before the announcement of a peace treaty with the UAE, Alan and Mike met with Miri Eisen to explain the situation in Lebanon and what it means for Israel. Why did the explosion happen? What does it tell us about the Lebanese government? What may the future bring and is there any reason for optimism? Confused by the whole situation? For clarity and understanding, join us! Miri Eisen's Website Miri Eisin served in the Israeli intelligence community and retired at the rank of full colonel in 2004. Over her twenty year career in the military she served in diverse positions in the field, combat units and research departments. Miri served as the Israeli Prime Minister’s spokesperson from the second Lebanon war until the end of 2007. She now teaches at IDC Herzliya, and works extensively with the media, student groups and diplomats. Miri is a fellow at the Center for International Communication at Bar Ilan University and an associate at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism. Makom Israel Teachers