Be You Parenting With Mary Dravis-parrish

Does Your Music Do This? ~ Guest Bill Protzmann



Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Music can be experienced in a variety of ways. Within one family there can be many “instruments” all playing a different tune. At times this can create chaos. What if you could come together as a family, and allow music to take chaos and turn it into harmony, celebration and deeper connection? My guest for this episode is Bill Protzmann, Practical Heart Skills Advisor at Music Care Inc who will share with us the "power" of music - sound and rhythm - and how it works on human beings physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in family settings. Be ready to learn "Practical heart skills," such as respect, compassion, civility, or empathy, and how these create a cooperative edge individually and within your family. Bill Protzmann is an entrepreneur, musician, husband, father, and proud member of the human race. He's the founder of Music Care Inc, the first for-profit business established to teach you how to give y