Be You Parenting With Mary Dravis-parrish

3 Mistakes Parents Make Talking to Teens ~ Guest Sierra Frost



Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish While there is a lot of talk these days about mental health, many parents are confused about what to look for and how to talk to their teens about mental health. There are ways to talk to with your kids that will empower them and you. Learn what you need to know about mental health; what it is and why it matters, as well as what to say and what not to say to empower and educate your teen and you. My guest, Sierra Frost, knows about mental/emotional health personally, professionally, and passionately. Sierra Frost works with adolescent and adult individuals through coaching and workshops, as well as speaking events with organizations to understand topics such as trauma, mental health, and human development. Sierra specializes in coaching people to recover from childhood adversity or long-term patterns caused by trauma. Her mission is to revolutionize mental health in America by empowering everyday communities with accessible support and recovery skills. She is thrilled