Living Consciously ~ With Kass Thomas

Loving in 10 Second Increments with Guest Nirmada Kaufman



Living Consciously with Kass Radio Show with Kass Thomas Join Kass and the Radical Demand Diva Nirmada Kaufman as they explore what it is to love in 10 second increments and how it can create a totally different way of being in Relationship. Do you struggle with relationships? Are you ready to make some changes in your relationships and do things differently, if you can have everything you have been looking for and even more? What is it that you have been looking for? Are You Ready to Create the Relationship You Really Desire? Love in the Next 10 Seconds is a radical new way of approaching love and relationships. Many relationship books take a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach giving you answers about how to ‘do’ relationship. As an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Workshop Leader, Pragmatic Futurist and #1 Best Selling Author, Nirmada empowers people around the world to be and do whatever it takes to get what they are asking for. She is best known for being The Radical Demand Diva and she is here for