Radicals & Revolutionaries Lab

Sara Matano



R&R Labs – Sara Matano – Show NotesThis week’s revolutionary is Sara Matano. Sara currently lives and works in Portland, OR and teaches high school social studies, doing all she can to bring a feminist lens to the center of her work. Originally, Sara is from Argentina; her family immigrated to the United States when she was still young. She’s spent her life straddling borders and barriers, always feeling like an outsider no matter who she was with. Even after she intentionally lost her accent, there would always be small tell-tale signs that she was “different” than those around her.In this episode, Sara and I discuss the surge of racism post-9/11, how school systems “groom” students into nationalism via “team spirit,” and how Sara incorporates feminism into her teachings every day. She gives a powerful insight into what the future for teachers looks like, and what steps everyone needs to take to get there. This is a conversation that you won’t want to miss.Some Questions I Ask: Tell me about your childho