Radicals & Revolutionaries Lab

Anne Marie Goetz



This week’s revolutionary is Dr. Anne Marie Goetz, a professor of Global Affairs at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs. Prior to her work as a professor, she worked at the UN as a policymaker on women, peace, and security. Currently, Dr. Goetz’s work looks at what makes states effective in addressing women’s rights and under what conditions do feminist movements succeed in patriarchal states. Throughout our conversation, Dr. Anne Marie shares insights into what feminism looks like on a global level, including anecdotes from various cultures that demonstrate how women’s rights are changing around the world. She also shares extensively about her work with UNIFEM, around right-wing populism, and how she finds the motivation to continue persevering with her feminist work. Some Questions I Ask: Tell us about the research you’re working on now. (1:09)Where are you from? (36:52)What drives you to keep going? (39:19)When you think about all of this work that you’ve done, who has supported