Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

Rescheduled - Woman & Nature with Susan Griffin



RESCHEDULED....Never more relevant than today, with patriarchy run amok and white men destroying the planet and Black Lives Matter supporters protesting in the street....Award-winning author, Susan Griffin is with me today to discuss her important work, Woman and Nature.  Susan has authored over 20 books, esteemed both for her innovative thought and creative literary style.  She's a leading feminist and environmental thinker, who has addressed a wide range of social and political questions, including nuclear weapons, rape, ography and democracy.  She describes Woman and Nature in her own words..."It reveals and challenges the assumption that  shaped the culture, thoughts, politics and practices of the West, the fundamental idea that Nature is inferior to (white) men, and that women, people of color, being closer to nature, are also inferior.  That nature or matter is separate from and opposed to spirit - and therefore women and POC are more sensual, emotional and thus intellectually and spiritually inferior.