Infinite Energies With ~ Lisa Benitz

Does Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Define YOU? Guest Robin Chant



What if I told you that PTSD is a choice. Are you in a job that deals with trauma daily? Would you like to learn the tools to create change and ease for you and your body? Would you be willing to get out of being in the loop of whatever trauma you have locked into your body? Robin Chant ~ Over 30 years ago, my dad was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure and I remember thinking, why is he going to the doctor to get pills to take for the rest of his life? If he didn't have high blood pressure the year before, what changed? What was the cause of the high blood pressure now? Having thoughts, that if they could figure out the cause – then the high blood pressure would be gone, caused me to explore and dive further than I knew was possible. I knew it then, but couldn't find the words to describe what I know now -the pills were treating the symptoms but not the cause. For so many years I continued to question – Why? While being a Paramedic and Fire Fighter for more than 20 years, I thought that I understood the human