Nothing's Really Real

(Ep 78) The Coronavirus Series #7



It's the seventh episode of this series with Chris Tharp, Sam Hazelton and I. We talk deer hunting. We reflect on our drinking habits and tell stories of our biggest drunken ass-outs, drunk driving, fights and just chaotic white boy partying. We talk about white privilege, and wrap it up with a mild debate of tearing down statues and Kanye 2020. This series has started growing a bit of a following of its own, so, I'd like to send a thanks to the listeners that keep tuning in. The three of us have really appreciated the feedback we've gotten from you all. Thanks a lot. As always, if you do enjoy the show, please help spread the word. Tell a friend about it, and leave a review on iTunes or whatever app you listen to podcasts on. That would be very appreciated.