Raw Relationships

Relationship Advice With Alison Blackman



Alison Blackman is credited with bringing the advice genre online and she is the Editor in Chief and creator of both the Advice Sisters Lifestyle website www.advicesisters.com and Leather and Lace Advice www.leatherandlaceadvice.com Alison offers her readers unique perspectives on life and relationships, with a male/female “Double-Take” format featuring two very different views on the same subject. This offers readers a more complete picture of how one might handle a problem or situation. Alison’s experience as an advice columnist and relationship expert comes from more than 2 1/2 decades of writing, advising, and working with people of different ages, cultures and interests, around the world. She is the co-creator of the Advice Sisters, widely credited with bringing the advice genre, online more than 2 ½ decades ago ) This episode was sponsored by Psychic Text Readers www.psychictextreaders.com