Maker's Co Podcast

Episode 85: What is the Difference Between Intuition and Fear? With Alison Kuepfer



In this episode of The Maker’s Collective Podcast we’re doing things a little bit differently. Over the past 12 weeks our very own Lacey J Heels has been running a Mastermind group for women, digging into topics such as intuition, spirituality, energy management, sex, cannabis and money. We decided to pull the audio from a couple of those sessions to share our guest experts with you. This week we welcome Alison Kuepfer, Intuitive Life Coach, Human Design Specialist & Yogi who talks to us about intuition vs. fear, how to recognize which one is driving you, how to tap into our intuition and we discuss movement rituals as well to increase our overall well-being. The audio is a little iffy at times, because initially we weren't planning to share these sessions with the public, but the message & content are too powerful not to share. We hope you enjoy! Quote: More from Alison: Website. - - -