Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ghost Stories, Ghost Hunting, Angels, Demons, and Kevin Dewitt



And you get a T'Shirt... and you get a T'Shirt.., and you, and you.. Hollywood Late Night T-Shirts are in. Also masks, and hoodies!     This episode Rocco, Jurassic Jen and her handler, Faviola, are in the basement of the Old North House, where the Turtle Den is.  It's dark and grim down there as they discuss ghosts, and their relationships with them. Faviola sees dead people and wants to leave early. Rocco welcomes demons into the basement with the EMF meter.  And Jurassic Jen tells us about her Haunted Air Bn'B.  Special Guest, Kevin mother-fucking Dewitt breaks into the basement between movie projects, and goes deep with Rocco, Jen and Fav, about his haunted Carolina spirits. We love his freaky, foul mouth. Will Rocco put Jurassic Jen in the basement freezer?! Find out this episode. Special Thanks to Kevin Dewitt. Come back anytime. Next time there will be light.. and maybe an exorcism or two. Check out Kevin at: https://www.funnyordie.com/2012/10/25/17716020/rednecks-on-obama https://www.funnyordie.com/2