The Chicken Social

Ep 145: This League Pays Student Athletes



On this week's episode of the world's first and only bi-city podcast (this may or may not actually be true), Obes and Cha are joined by anti-trust economist Andy Schwarz. Andy is the brainchild behind the Historical Basketball League (HBL) which looks to be a financial boon for HBCUs. We asked him why he decided to start this league, which would pay players as employees of the league during the summer months, why he chose HBCUs specifically, and how the HBL will go about paying players. Obes also secretly enjoyed having another economist on the show, we're really great people ya know.Obes and Cha then discuss Killer Mike's ill-fated video with the NRA where he says, among other things, that "everyone had guns in Wakanda". Why did he make this video and what did he hope to gain from it? Additionally, what did the *NRA* hope to gain from this? Is this Bernie '16 all over again?Finally, the Houston Rockets are rolling and starting to separate themselves from a badly beaten up Golden State Warriors team who are w