The Chicken Social

Ep 151: Keep That Same Energy...



Welcome to episode 151, which is fitting because you have to be a little crazy to do this many episodes for free. Anyway, this week's show is your manses Obes and Cha by themselves. The way God intended. First things first, there was yet another school shooting in the United States, this one near Houston. We ask the question: why don't we look at how toxic masculinity is manifesting itself in gun violence? Next, Obes asks Cha why so many politicians espouse pro-marijuana views after getting out of office. Where was that energy when they had the power to do something about it? After that, NY lawyer Aaron Schlossberg decided it would be a good idea to be racist in public. Why do people, a) think this is a good idea in the age of social media and, b) think it's a good idea to defend this kind of the age of social media. Last but certainly not least, one of Obes' most far-fetched dreams came true this weekend: there is now a black person in the British royal family. All that and more, this week on T