Alice In Muggleland

Chapter 11 - Alice vs Billius Round 1: Dey Gon' Fayht



Alice and Billius talk about Quidditch, well Alice mostly talks about how this chapter barely had any plot in it even though Hermione is pretty hardcore, while telling a wizard that quidditch is a fake sport. Billius defends Quidditch's honor because it's real to him (as a wizard) and also talks about the barely any plotpoints (while confirming that Hermione is punk rock in this chapter)Alice is on Twitter at @AinMugglelandWe are also on (and probably more active) on facebook at help support the podcast by visiting and donating to our Paetron at any support you can give will be helpful in the long run. All episodes will be posted on Paetron 24 hours before release on all other podcasting platforms. EditSupport this show See for privacy and opt-out information.