Lower Your Expectations With Marcus Butler

LYE 30: "I Ate A Tarantula In Front of 500 Fans" ft Louis Cole



Marcus and Matt are once again recording from Vidcon and this time they have special guest Louis Cole with them for the ride. Having gone from devouring Spiders, Crayfish and blended Mice on his FoodforLouis channel to becoming Vegan. We discuss Louis's YouTube journey as well as evaluating the recent Instagram model Christian Burns controversy at Vidcon and finally, in a special Big Question, we discover where Marcus and Louis would perform a Flashdance. We’ve got it all in this weeks Lower Your Expectations. Check out MoreMarcus on YouTube for the best of this week’s episode, at YouTube.com/MoreMarcus Subscribe on iTunes: iTunes.com/LowerYourExpectations Subscribe on Android: SubscribeOnAndroid.com/MarcusButler.net/rss Subscribe to Marcus on YouTube: YouTube.com/MarcusButlerFollow @MarcusButler & @MattViney12 wherever you can find us! ————— Sound by Raghu Manavalan Big Question: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/gorilla-dances-to-maniac-and-another-flashdance-star-is-born_us_594ceff6e4b02734df29c118?s