"verse Of The Day" Ministry Podcast

July Announcements & Thank You



HAPPY CULINARY ARTS MONTH & CORE BLOOD AWARENESS MONTH (National Cord Blood Awareness Month is celebrated in the month of July and raises awareness on the importance of stem cells that are contained in cord blood. Blood from your baby’s umbilical cord, taken just after birth, holds some lifesaving and unique cells known as “stem cells,” which have an incredible power to cure or heal a disease.) !!! * Find all you need and more on Sale and Free at linktr.ee/wandasncredible .As a part of the “Verse of the day” Ministry, God placed it on our hearts to include charitable giving. Every month, a new charity and/or ministry is picked to be donated to and all month long we advocate for them to receive donations in the name of Jesus Christ. This month, we are giving to the Be The Match organization https://bethematch.org ( button on my linktree link linktr.ee/wandasncredible) For the thousands of people diagnosed every year with life-threatening blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, a cure exists. Over the pa