Jules And Sarah The Podcast

Jules and Sarah with #18in18



Write into Jules and Sarah! The Port Salut Crew HQ, PO Box 66747, London, NW5 9GH – we love your letters!Welcome, well welcome to you 2018. In this special edition of Jules and Sarah the duo want to give YOU, The Port Salut Crew something back. Jules and Sarah the podcast is about loving yourself, having fun and being optimistic. It’s not about failure, or negative vibes – it’s about enjoying life to the fullest – preferably with a wedge of something lovely obviously. With this is mind, the duo have partnered with lululemon to bring you a helpful, easy to follow 2018 Goal Setting podcast. Is setting goals for yourself something you always say you’re going to do but never actually get around to? Do you need help setting yourself achievable, self-affirming goals? Want to self-improve for you and nobody else? Interested in listening to the pair really open up about their 2018 goals? Then tune in.You can join in with the show!Download your lululemon goal setting guide and goal sheet