Random Signal

R.S. #22 - The Best Part of Waking Up



Recorded at 7:30 am, a feat made possible by wonderful, glorious, life-giving coffee. Song 1: Albacore - Palomar What I've been up to in my first three months at Lulu:The 2006 Lulu Blooker Prize - the world's first literary prize for books based on blogs and other websites. SAM, World's Ugliest Dog 2006 Calendar (Warning: this dog is seriously ugly!) Recent books I have read/am reading: Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer Country: The Twisted Roots of Rock 'N' Roll by Nick Tosches Special thanks to Jared Axelrod, of The Voice of Free Planet X podcast for the bump. He is also a contributor to 365 Tomorrows sci-fi flash fiction blog. Song 2: Blue Bird - The Rosebuds (also check them out on MySpace and Merge Records)