Random Signal

R.S. #30 - The Year of the Hobo



Here are some of the 700 hobo names you have requested. Included here with permission from John Hodgman, a professional writer. READ! The Areas Of My Expertise WATCH! John Hodgman on The Daily Show BELIEVE! John Hodgman is a Deranged Millioniare Bonus Material: Citizen Hobo vs. Railroad Bull 700 Hoboes on Flickr Promo: Jawbone Radio (Check out the Jawbone interviews with John Hodgman and Jonathan Coulton) Song 1: Furry Old Lobster - Jonathan Coulton (from his Thing A Week podcast) I think the Others on Lost are, in actuallity, hoboes. Discuss. I've got a new K7 number. Call me!!! Song 2: Boxcar - The Rosebuds