Random Signal

R.S. #78 - Good news, everyone!



Hello! We're back and we have lots of exciting news! What's all this news you ask? Well, you are going to have to listen to the podcast to find out! :p Speaking of podcasts, you really should be listening to: Radio Free Hipster Radio Isopod All three bands featured in this show were part of this past summer's Unlimited Enthusiasm Expo tour. Math The Band Song 1: Let's Hear It For Capitalism! Song 2: Everyone's Embarassing (from Math The Band Banned The Math) Uncle Monsterface [MySpace] [iTunes] Song 3: Lobster Building (from Letter Green (I Love You)) Song 4: The Gary Gygax Song (from This Is an Adventure!) Harry and The Potters [MySpace] [iTunes] Song 5: The Human Hosepipe (from Voldemort Can't Stop The Rock!) Song 6: Save Ginny Weasley (from Harry and The Potters)