Scummy Mummies - Podcast

Episode 33: Tech Special with The Guardian's Jemima Kiss



What are the best apps for entertaining kids? How much screen time is too much? Which exciting gadgets are coming soon? When do we get hoverboards? All these questions and more are answered in this TECH SPECIAL! Our guest is Jemima Kiss, head of technology at The Guardian. She tells us about her favourite gizmos and how she manages tech time in her house. Ellie presents her brand new Retro Audio Quiz and we even have a proper jingle. Most excitingly of all, the Scummy Mummies are coming to you from INSIDE THE GUARDIAN! Specifically, The Guardian's podcast studio, which they let us use to record this episode. So for once, we almost sound professional! Almost. You can follow Jemima on Twitter - @jemimakiss. We're @scummymummies, and on the Facebook. Do email your confessions to, and visit to find previous episodes. If you'd like to see us live, come to one of our stage shows! They're every month at The Hob in Forest Hill, south-east London. Tickets are a fiver