Scummy Mummies - Podcast

Episode 36: Sweary Christmas with Nurse Jessie and Steve Hill



Merry Christmas! It's the Scummy Mummies Podcast, with bells on (LITERALLY, thanks to amazing technical wizard Rob Sedgebeer, who made the theme tune all festive for us. Thanks Rob!) This episode was recorded two days before Ellie went into early labour, which is why she still talks about being pregnant in it! Her little boy, Joe, is doing great. Expect a new baby special next year.  We're joined by podcast favourites Nurse Jessie and Steve Hill, the latter being having been dragged away from a Christmas lunch. As such there's even more swearing in this episode and we couldn't be bothered to bleep it, so this isn't one to listen to with the kids around... We talk Christmas presents, ham, round robins and farting. Plus, Steve tells us his Joe Mangle story, and Helen has an interesting suggestion for what to do with a family tub of yoghurt. We also test mince pies and play a festive game. We're on Twitter - @scummymummies - and on the Facebook. Do email your confessions to, and vi