Know Pain, Know Gain

103: Status: Financially Free!! with Judd Armstrong



 “Life gives us one word: It's either a YES or NO… When we grow up with a YES, that's such an empowering thing.” -Judd Armstrong For this week’s treat, I had an amazing exchange with Judd Armstrong, Founder of Jaybird and modern entrepreneur. Judd’s key focus is on helping people obtain independence, self-sufficiency, and financial freedom. What’s noteworthy about this convo, is while we are aware that there is a price set for great things, we are often hesitant to take that big leap and Judd’s story is like a map for navigating the ebbs and flows of the entrepreneurial journey while setting a solid stance towards sustainable success. Judd reveals how he changed his financial status from being broke to being financially independent, the eight (8) truths about entrepreneurs, how to change our outcomes by having the “YES” mentality,  the guide to having a fresh and unique perspective, the Excavate-Expand-Experience Method of embracing big ideas, how to succeed in Bitcoin Trading, and much more!  If you’re cur