Butterfly Evolution

Is Spending too Much Time Together Bad for a Relationship



A new relationship is usually followed with excitement and a desire to see each other as much as possible. Each person appears to be equally excited about working to build and keep the romance alive. Family and friends may often feel neglected and or betrayed by the new relationship and may slowly become distant. But as time and the romance progress, one or both may become comfortable with the relationship thus making the relationship less exciting and perhaps fulfilling. In this case, less time / effort is extended to the relationship possibly causing feelings of disconnect and or neglect.  But what happens when couples spend most all of their time together or when one wants more time than the other wants, need or is willing to give? Does this mean that there is a problem in the relationship? Does this mean that one or both is no longer all in? When is too much time together in a relationship too much?  Join Butterfly Evolution Tuesday June 23rd 8 P CST. Listen Live 563-999-3542 or on line at www.blogtal