Service Drive Revolution With Chris Collins

Customer Anxiety



Customer anxiety in the Service Industry. Chris states - “in service, it’s unique, unlike any other industry, because the sale and the retention is based on TRUST”.The show kicks off with the SERVICE DRIVE guru’s joking about being sick last week and missing last week's episode.But that didn’t stop the Bulldog from working. He talks about his trip down to San Diego to Stone Beer Brewery to do research for his new book. He discovers some clever marketing techniques as well as beer being super high on the glycemic index!This moves onto the main topic of today CUSTOMER ANXIETY. The guys discuss what causes customer anxiety, what frustrates customers before even coming into the dealership and what eventually drives customers away. They look at decision fatigue, issues of waiting, no direction, not making the customer feel important and other problems surrounding the customer experience that may cause customer anxiety. Gary talks about how people feel psychologically when they go to Disneyland. They are excited an