Service Drive Revolution With Chris Collins

Lisa Copeland: Follow the Money



Lisa Copeland received “The Walter P. Chrysler” Award for sales and service excellence, was named one of the Five Most Powerful Women in Austin by the Austin Business Journal, broke the sales record at Fiat for selling 100 brand new Fiat 500s in a month and is the co-author of Crushing Mediocrity.Today, she teaches you to follow the money.Lisa’s serendipitous career in the automotive industry started while she was attending fashion school in Dallas, Texas. After crashing her car – and lacking the funds to fix it – Lisa got a job at a local dealership so she could drive a demo. She quickly realized that not only are there very few women working in the automotive world but that they are totally underserved - women don’t buy cars - and she could see why. She became determined to cater to female clients as well as minorities and millennials. Her MO was simple, make the car shopping experience as pleasant and exciting as shopping for shoes. By following the money to see who is spending where and applying her custo