Consciousness Since Birth Andromeda L.c.'s

Why You Should Not Sell Your Health and My Personal Experience with Refusing a Covid-19 Test Call



We are made to believe that "they" will take care of us, because they always do right? We have been stripped away of so much health and humaness, we don't even realise we are naked and vulnerable, at this point in time. It is and will always be our birth right: our health. Stripping it away, doesn't mean we have to agree as a Herd Immunity to the person that is trying to strip of more health and sell of your very own energy to a "system" other than what you already are: a Child of Mother Nature and Father Sky. Never let someone mess with your health, whether they are a doc or just a di%$ (sorry but not sorry). You will need your sovereignity mixed with a bit of anger to stand up and stand out against injustice, because your peers might not see the danger of giving up our health, which is our very soul, to new unprecendated, governmental "laws" that do not listen to health as a birth right any longer, but take that ressource as a commodity for a "greater good".