Staying Healthy Naturally- Dr. Gary Kracoff

Chronic Sleep Issues? Maybe you need to change your daily routine.



Kali Patrick - Helping stressed-out, busy professionals learn to sleep better. Our lives have become more stressed recently. Many people feel they are anxious about the future, family, employment. This can affect our sleep. Good sleep is very important to good health. When we sleep well, we recharge our adrenals, detox, and repair damage from injuries and daily wear and tear. Knowing what condition your adrenals are in is very helpful, and the proper support nutritionally can help them calm down if to revved up or help them regenerate if they are burnt out. But wait, there is more! If our daily schedule, lifestyle is contributing to the high stress/anxiety, we need to learn tools to help us deal with these stressors or ways to remove them. Supplementation is very important, but addressing the why the adrenals/sleep was pushed out of balance is key to healing. Kali Patrick discusses Sleep Coaching: what it is, what it can do, and how to find more information about is working with a Sleep Wellness Coach right f